# eleventy-base-blog v8
A starter repository showing how to build a blog with the [Eleventy](https://www.11ty.dev/) site generator (using the [v2.0 beta release](https://www.11ty.dev/blog/eleventy-v2-beta/)).
[![Netlify Status](https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/badges/802669dd-d5f8-4d49-963d-6d57b257c2a2/deploy-status)](https://app.netlify.com/sites/eleventy-base-blog/deploys)
## Features
- Using [Eleventy v2.0](https://www.11ty.dev/blog/eleventy-v2-beta/) with zero-JavaScript output.
- Content is entirely pre-rendered (this is a static site).
- Performance focused.
- Four-hundos Lighthouse score out of the box!
- [View the Lighthouse report for the latest build.](https://eleventy-base-blog.netlify.app/reports/lighthouse/) (courtesy of the [Netlify Lighthouse plugin](https://github.com/netlify/netlify-plugin-lighthouse))
- _0 Cumulative Layout Shift_
- _0ms Total Blocking Time_
- Easily [deploy](#deploy-this-to-your-own-site) to various hosting providers.
- Live reload provided by [Eleventy Dev Server](https://www.11ty.dev/docs/dev-server/).
- Content-driven [hierarchical navigation](https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/navigation/)
- [Image optimization](https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/image/) (including modern formats AVIF and WebP) via the `{% image %}` shortcode (images can be co-located with posts) (with zero-JavaScript output).
- Prefers `` if possible (single image format) but switches automatically to `