{#- Atom and JSON feeds included by default #} {#- Uncomment this if you’d like folks to know that you used Eleventy to build your site! #} {#- #} {#- Choices for CSS: 1. External files (best with local dev server live reload) 2. Inlined (fastest site performance in production) #} {# 3. You could even swap between the two methods above using {% if eleventy.env.runMode === "serve" %} 4. Concatenate CSS to one file (site performance is slower than 2 but faster than 1): https://www.11ty.dev/docs/quicktips/concatenate/ 5. Use a bundler e.g. Vite https://www.11ty.dev/docs/server-vite/ Or search for additional community plugins for esbuild, rollup, webpack, etc. #}
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