const { DateTime } = require("luxon"); const fs = require("fs"); const pluginRss = require("@11ty/eleventy-plugin-rss"); const pluginSyntaxHighlight = require("@11ty/eleventy-plugin-syntaxhighlight"); module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) { eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginRss); eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginSyntaxHighlight); eleventyConfig.setDataDeepMerge(true); eleventyConfig.addLayoutAlias("post", "layouts/post.njk"); eleventyConfig.addFilter("readableDate", dateObj => { return DateTime.fromJSDate(dateObj, {zone: 'utc'}).toFormat("dd LLL yyyy"); }); // eleventyConfig.addFilter('htmlDateString', (dateObj) => { return DateTime.fromJSDate(dateObj, {zone: 'utc'}).toFormat('yyyy-LL-dd'); }); // Content for jsonfeed eleventyConfig.addFilter('jsonContent', content => { if (content) { content = content.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, ""); content = content.replace(/\t/g, "\\t"); content = content.replace(/"/g, '\\"'); } return content; }); // Get the first `n` elements of a collection. eleventyConfig.addFilter("head", (array, n) => { if( n < 0 ) { return array.slice(n); } return array.slice(0, n); }); eleventyConfig.addCollection("tagList", require("./_11ty/getTagList")); eleventyConfig.addPassthroughCopy("img"); eleventyConfig.addPassthroughCopy("css"); /* Markdown Plugins */ let markdownIt = require("markdown-it"); let markdownItAnchor = require("markdown-it-anchor"); let options = { html: true, breaks: true, linkify: true }; let opts = { permalink: true, permalinkClass: "direct-link", permalinkSymbol: "#" }; eleventyConfig.setLibrary("md", markdownIt(options) .use(markdownItAnchor, opts) ); eleventyConfig.setBrowserSyncConfig({ callbacks: { ready: function(err, browserSync) { const content_404 = fs.readFileSync('_site/404.html'); browserSync.addMiddleware("*", (req, res) => { // Provides the 404 content without redirect. res.write(content_404); res.end(); }); } } }); return { templateFormats: [ "md", "njk", "html", "liquid" ], // If your site lives in a different subdirectory, change this. // Leading or trailing slashes are all normalized away, so don’t worry about it. // If you don’t have a subdirectory, use "" or "/" (they do the same thing) // This is only used for URLs (it does not affect your file structure) pathPrefix: "/", markdownTemplateEngine: "liquid", htmlTemplateEngine: "njk", dataTemplateEngine: "njk", passthroughFileCopy: true, dir: { input: ".", includes: "_includes", data: "_data", output: "_site" } }; };