A starter repository showing how to build a blog with the [Eleventy](https://www.11ty.dev/) site generator (using the [v2.0 beta release](https://www.11ty.dev/blog/eleventy-v2-beta/)).
- **Performance focused**: four-hundos Lighthouse score out of the box!
- [View the Lighthouse report for the latest build](https://eleventy-base-blog.netlify.app/reports/lighthouse/) courtesy of the [Netlify Lighthouse plugin](https://github.com/netlify/netlify-plugin-lighthouse).
- Draft posts: use `draft: true` to mark a blog post as a draft. Drafts are **only** included during `--serve`/`--watch` and are excluded from full builds. View the [Drafts plugin source code](https://github.com/11ty/eleventy-base-blog/blob/main/eleventy.config.drafts.js).
-`content/about/index.md` is an example of a content page.
-`content/blog/` has the blog posts but really they can live in any directory. They need only the `post` tag to be included in the blog posts [collection](https://www.11ty.dev/docs/collections/).
- Use the `eleventyNavigation` key (via the [Eleventy Navigation plugin](https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/navigation/)) in your front matter to add a template to the top level site navigation. This is in use on `content/index.njk` and `content/about/index.md`.
- Content can be in _any template format_ (blog posts needn’t exclusively be markdown, for example). Configure your project’s supported templates in `eleventy.config.js` -> `templateFormats`.
- The `public` folder in your input directory will be copied to the output folder (via `addPassthroughCopy` in the `eleventy.config.js` file). This means `./public/css/*` will live at `./_site/css/*` after your build completes.
- This project uses three [Eleventy Layouts](https://www.11ty.dev/docs/layouts/):
-`_includes/layouts/base.njk`: the top level HTML structure
-`_includes/layouts/home.njk`: the home page template (wrapped into `base.njk`)
-`_includes/layouts/post.njk`: the blog post template (wrapped into `base.njk`)
-`_includes/postslist.njk` is a Nunjucks include and is a reusable component used to display a list of all the posts. `content/index.njk` has an example of how to use it.