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2024-02-06 20:57:02 -05:00
This is a JavaScript file you can edit to add custom markers to the map.
uNmINeD does not overwrite this file during map generation.
1. Edit this file using Notepad or a code editor (do not use document editors like Microsoft Word)
2. Change the line "isEnabled: false," to "isEnabled: true," to display the markers
3. Change or remove the example markers
4. Add your own markers
Marker format:
x: X coordinate of the marker (in Minecraft block units),
z: Z coordinate of the marker (in Minecraft block units),
image: marker image URL to display (in quotes),
imageScale: scale of the image (e.g. 1 = display full size, 0.5 = display half size),
imageAnchor: [0.5, 1] means the tip of the pin is at the center-bottom of the image (see OpenLayers documentation for more info),
text: marker text do display (in quotes),
textColor: text color in HTML/CSS format (in quotes),
offsetX: horizontal pixel offset of the text,
offsetY: vertical pixel offset of the text,
font: text font in HTML/CSS format (in quotes),
Things to keep in mind:
* There are opening and closing brackets for each marker "{" and "}"
* Property names are case sensitive (i.e. "textColor" is okay, "TextColor" is not)
* There is a comma (",") at the end of each line except the opening brackets ("{")
You can use https://mapmarker.io/editor to generate custom pin images.
Use the imageScale property if the pin image is too large.
UnminedCustomMarkers = {
isEnabled: false,
markers: [
// Example 1: Simple marker
x: -200,
z: -200,
image: "custom.pin.png",
imageAnchor: [0.5, 1],
imageScale: 0.5,
// Example 2: Marker with text
x: 0,
z: 0,
image: "custom.pin.png",
imageAnchor: [0.5, 1],
imageScale: 0.5,
text: "Marker with text",
textColor: "red",
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 20,
font: "bold 20px Calibri,sans serif",
// Example 3: Text only
x: 200,
z: 200,
text: "Text only",
textColor: "yellow",
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
font: "bold 50px Calibri,sans serif",
// add your markers here
// do not delete the following two closing brackets